Become a producer not a consumer

Start taking actions

How to be accountable

500 WORDS | 5 Minute Read

You need to understand

It is you who is controlling your life, You are the one who is taking all the actions and decisions for whatever is happening. Let us say that your problems are there for a reason and that reason is your destiny. Which is trying to make you better. You can not control your fate but you can control what actions you take.

Become a Producer, not a consumer

I am trying to change the way people look at things, I am trying to help people so that they can become the best version of themselves. That’s why I am writing this newsletter so often. Helping you all become the best version of yourself.

If you want to know how you can Transform your life in six months click here.

If you want to know the 6 skills to be successful click here. 

If you want to make your first first dollar from scratch click here. 

A quote that I love

“The magic you are looking for, is in the work you are avoiding”

If you spend your time wisely, if you educate yourself wisely, if you put in the work, if you actually take yourself accountable for everything you do you will get better in no time. If you want to go into detail you can check out my youtube channel. The link is down below.


You only lack the key concept of focus. You don’t think you have what it takes to change your life around. You don’t have what it takes to be better than 99% of the people out there. I am not telling you to work 12 hours a day or just do one thing the whole day, but if you can just get out there and focus for 3 hours then I promise you that you will be able to change your life in 6 months.

1:1 Consultations

Eshaan Kansal

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We help businesses grow by our unique method of fusing creativity and strategy.

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me a producer